School Information​
School & Class Structures/ Organisation
There are three classrooms and a special class in St. Multose School:
Síológa Class - Hilary Whitley / Sharon Nestor (AP II Post)
Junior & Senior Infants & 1st Class -Emma Fitzgerald
2nd & 3rd Class - Lorraine Kingston (Deputy Principal)
4th, 5th & 6th Class - Nicola Curtin
Support Teachers - Margie Hadden (Acting Principal), Erica Murphy
Special Needs Assistants - Sarah Higgins, Sue O'Riordan, Mary Deasy & Maria Dunn
School Secretary - Katie O'Leary (9.30am - 12.30pm approx.)
School day and year
Official opening time is 8:50 a.m. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for children who arrive in school before that time. Infant classes finish at 1:30 p.m. each day. All other classes finish at 2:30 p.m. daily. Please ensure your child is collected on time, as children quickly get anxious if they are kept waiting.
Assembly and roll call: 8:50 a.m. 9:10 a.m.
Morning break: 10:50 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Lunch break: 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
School closes for Junior and Senior Infants: 1:30 p.m.
School closes for all other classes: 2:30 p.m.
We ask for your co-operation in this matter. The school uniform is an important element in promoting and fostering pride in the school, and helping the child feel a part of the school culture. Please ensure that your child always wears the school uniform. It is important that you label each item of clothing.
The uniform consists of a navy jumper and a light blue polo shirt. These are ordered through the school. This should be worn with navy trousers/skirt/shorts/pinafore.
On PE days, plain, navy tracksuit bottoms should be worn.
School Ethos
Ethos Statement of St. Multose National School
Roll Book Number 14726C
St. Multose National School is a Church of Ireland National School under the patronage of The Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The school serves Kinsale Union of Parishes. The rector is chaplain to the school.
St. Multose N.S. is a school where the traditions and teaching of the Church of Ireland inform the position taken in regard to moral issues which arise in the teaching of secular subjects.
The school is co-educational, with classes from Junior Infants to 6th class.
It was founded in 1895 and moved to its present site in 1986. It has had 3 extensions since then.
St. Multose N.S. is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of ethnic background, religion, gender, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning. We would like pupils and their families to experience a sense of caring and belonging. They are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.
It is a community where moral values such as truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nurtured and protected. Our school is a Green School and cherishes the environment both locally and globally. The justification of these qualities is based on Biblical teaching interpreted by the Church of Ireland.
We value physical and emotional wellbeing of pupils and staff in our school. We are an Active School and promote good mental health and well-being.
St. Multose N.S, is part of a local church community and has strong links with the parish. This, for example, is shown by the fact that pupils attend services in St. Multose Church and the rector visits the school on a regular basis. Older classes attend the annual Diocesan School service in St. Peter’s Church in Bandon. Our school choir is trained by the director and/or assistant director of music from St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral.
The work, in St. Multose N.S. is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences. The admission policy is inclusive of pupils of other denominations, other faiths and those of no specified faith.
Religious Education occupies a central position in the school curriculum and is regarded as a core subject: all pupils in the school have the opportunity to attend classes in religious education. The Follow-Me Religious Education programme is followed in all classes.
St. Multose N.S. nurtures freedom of thought and a personal relationship with God. This is most evident in the teaching of religious education and in the prayer life of the school community.
Should you wish your child to be considered for enrolment in St. Multose National School please carry out the following:
Read the Admissions Policy
Check the decision dates listed below. This does not apply for mid-academic school transfers.
Complete the appropriate Application Form below.
Return the completed Application Form to the school along with the required documents.
Please note that our Code of Behaviour and all other policies can be found by clicking here. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact the school.
Please note our Special Class is now full.
Board of Management
The Current Board of Management is:
Bishop's Nominees:
Reverend Eugene Griffin- Chairperson
Mr Robert Chambers - Patron's Nominee
Teacher Nominees:
Ms Margie Hadden - Secretary
Ms Sharon Nestor - Health & Safety Officer
Parent Nominees:
Mr Jonathan Grimes (Treasurer)
Ms Charlotte Roberts
Community Nominees:
Mr David Peare - Health & Safety Officer
Ms Sheena Graham
The Board of Management has the duty to consult with the Patron in regard to procedures. The Board follows the directions of the Patron when appropriate. The BOM acts on behalf of the Patron in running the school [section 15 (1) and (2) (c) of the Education Act 1998]. The Board is to be accountable to the patron for upholding the characteristic spirit of the school and through the school, to promote moral, spiritual, social and personal development of the students.
A Board of Management, elected at four-year intervals, manages the school. Leadership and management are critical for the success of St. Multose school. The Education Act 1998 sets out that the Board of Management is responsible for the appointment of Principal, assistant teachers and other staff, subject to regulations and agreed procedures sections 23 and 24. Duties also include responsibility for the maintenance of the school.
Expectations of the Board of Management and teachers reflect the school culture, ethos and vision. Parents have access to the BOM through two elected parent representatives (one father and one mother).
The current chairperson of the BOM is Reverend Eugene Griffin and all correspondence with the BOM should be addressed to him.